Dropped or Dismissed Charges Expungement

Dropped or dismissed charges expungement refers to the process of removing the record of charges that were either dropped or dismissed from a person’s criminal record. In general, when criminal charges are dropped or dismissed, it means that the charges will not result in a conviction or guilty plea, and the person will not face any further legal consequences related to those charges.

However, the record of the charges may still appear on the person’s criminal record, even though they were never found guilty of the crime. This can have negative consequences for the person’s future employment prospects, housing opportunities, and other areas of their life.

Expungement of dropped or dismissed charges can help to mitigate these negative consequences by removing the record of the charges from the person’s criminal record. This means that the person will not have to disclose the dropped or dismissed charges to potential employers, landlords, or other entities that may perform background checks.

It’s important to note that the process of expunging dropped or dismissed charges can be complex and varies depending on the jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions may require the person to file a petition or request for expungement, while others may automatically expunge the record of dropped or dismissed charges. It’s always best to consult with an attorney familiar with the expungement laws in your jurisdiction to determine whether you are eligible for expungement and to guide you through the process.